Over the years I've known Glen as a personal friend, he has a rare dedication to truthfulness & integrity and a willingness to connect and serve others in seeing the truth more deeply for themselves. Glen has qualities and gifts I can honestly say I have rarely seen and brings an ability to tune into others with unusual depth of intuitive perception combined with deep awareness and openness. He brings these qualities not only to his sessions but to all his dealings with people.

Glen can help reveal underlying suppressed feelings you may be carrying, hidden agendas or emotional blocks holding you back from living in accordance with your deeper truth, feelings that might be keeping you dis-empowered or confused in some area of your life. He may reveal where relationship difficulties are stemming from or bring a deeper understanding of childhood wounds or patterns and how they are affecting your life now, but in essence he is always pointing us back to recognizing the essential truth of our very being.

His open, compassionate and non judgmental way to guide you towards deeper self awareness often results in profound shifts for people. In my personal experience, I've been amazed by how well he brings clarity and by the accuracy of the information he is able to tune into. I have referred over 10 friends to Glen and every one of them has felt deeply grateful for the insights they gained, many saying they are blown away!

I highly recommend Glen's sessions to anyone who is ready and willing to see themselves clearly.

Talia Stevenson, Entrepreneur, Brisbane

Guys. Glen is the bomb! He rocks my world. Clarity and direct insight in moments. forget the rest. go with the best. love ya work glen.

Guy Simpson, Gold Coast

Often when I receive energy work, It's subtle and the integration may take a while to display on my radar. With Glen, the shift in consciousness or healing is immediate and disarming. This kind of work requires a gentle, compassionate and non-judgmental way of being, and thankfully, Glen is just such a being. I've turned up on glen's doorstep, or at the end of a phone line, distraught - feeling like I've lost the plot. Glen has a deep capacity to receive my energy, feel into it, and then have a conversation with me about what hooks I've got associated to that energy. Always Always it's left my world view shattered, yet the words, as I write this, that keep coming to mind are, the truth will set you free. the underlying peace in letting go my projections of how life ought to be starts to seep through and by the end of the session I am laughing. I think Glen loves this liberation as much as I do. Thanks Glen for helping me set myself free. You're a gem.

Alys Titchener, Author, New Zealand

In his clear and egoless way Glen Jules has gently and safely allowed me to uncover & re-discover the truth and beauty of my precious divine radiant feminine self. WOW!

Many thanks to you Glen.
Oceana, Seminar Presenter & Wedding Celebrant, Byron Bay, Australia

"In over 10 years of studying and practicing an extensive range of natural healing practices, I have never encountered a healer or practice that touches my fundamental core as deeply as Glen Jules. Glens energetic healing (including Assemblage Point) has rapidly transformed the unconscious primary energy blocks motivating all aspects of my life. This is the energy frozen deep inside me from the early traumas in my life, that rebirthing, homeopathy, meditation, nutrition therapy, shamanic journeying (amongst many other practices!) have never

shifted, nor brought into conscious awareness. Glen has the ability to literally feel what is occurring for me deep within my psyche, and with sensitivity, compassion and wisdom gently help me release the energy of the traumas fixed in place. If you are willing to let go of all that stands in the way of meeting your personal ultimate truth of being, I strongly urge you to connect with Glen as soon as you can. You CAN be free like you deserve. I've been telling all my friends about him! Believe me, your experience of yourself and your life

will never be the same again. "

Anson, Mullumbimby NSW Australia


I have recently had a fortunate encounter with a man who was able to do for me emotionally, what I guess Carolyn Myss does for people physically.

Glen is a rare find. Initially, I wondered if we were entering into a kind of Satsang spiritual encounter, as he is very quiet, and holds a great presence.

It was much more than this however.

To put simply, Glen can feel what you don't, (or, as is most often the case, wont).

I call him the master of denied emotions.

He works by feeling. He will then go deeper into the energy of the feeling (not emotion) feeling.

This then created a divine space for ME to actually see, feel and release this energy...make it conscious, take ownership.

I would recommend Glen to anyone who is absolutely ready to look at their unconscious self and integrate all that is held or suppressed.

Glen works in the land of No time, so your session could last an hour or three...

Its confronting, but, for me, was the fastest way home.

Morthern Spears, Ocean Shores Australia


Yes I have the deepest confidence in your healing work Glen. It seems to me that this adjustment of the Assemblage Point is like the base of all healing work. If this is not balanced nothing is. Like the fundamental for the energy structure. The session been so strong and after the third I felt amazing. I look forward to continue and am confident it will lead to completion.

Much love Lina , Sweden


I experienced a subtle yet profound shift having "The assemblage point adjustment".

During the treatment there seemed to be a gentle physical fluttering over the skin of my whole body. Glen checked out where my point was split. There was no doubt in me, from my life experience that my assemblage point would be split. And it was. The whole process was very short. I stood up from sitting in silence for a while after the adjustment, finding my field of awareness profoundly deeper, wider and more solid.

The sensations where very subtle, if I had not been open to diving wholeheartedly into my spacial awareness I could have missed the deepening. Somehow with my attention on the very soft fluttering sensations in through and around that which I call my mind body mechanism, this body, I would have missed the opportunity, actually the invitation from this quite extraordinary vehicle/body. The sensations that where deepening and widening became very quickly my naturally way of being.

I found in the days following, that I was more able to say yes to life. Where I had struggled to say no before, I now was having no difficulty at all. There seemed to be a flow with life that just seemed sweeter and at peace, sitting back inside myself, not reaching outside of myself for gratification.

Love Sita, Byron Bay Australia
